Welcome from the Lung Foundation CEO

CEO’s Welcome to C.O.P.E. COPD. Online. Patient. Education.

Welcome to Lung Foundation Australia’s C.O.P.E. – COPD. Online. Patient. Education program. This free-to-access web-based resource was initially developed in partnership with the BUPA Health Foundation and in consultation with expert clinicians and patients, carers and consumers. We are pleased to now offer an updated second edition.

The purpose of the C.O.P.E. program is to provide evidence based information on COPD that people can access online.  The program covers all the key aspects of COPD and how best to manage the disease. Originally the program was developed to enable patients who do not have access to a pulmonary rehabilitation program to be able to undertake the educational component of pulmonary rehabilitation from the comfort of their own homes.

Pulmonary rehabilitation is a program that usually consists of 6-8 weeks of exercise and education. These exercise and education sessions are based on the best evidence and designed especially for people with chronic lung conditions to better manage symptoms and stay well and out of hospital. Access to pulmonary rehabilitation is limited with fewer than 10% of patients undertaking this life-changing program.

The C.O.P.E. program has been designed for people living with a lung disease, specifically COPD. It would ideally be used in conjunction with an exercise program supervised by a suitably qualified exercise professional. The content has been based on the “Better Living with COPD – a Patient Guide” which was developed in partnership with Lung Foundation Australia and Queensland Health.

We sought input from a diverse range of potential users during the development of this site and this has resulted in an easy-to-use, interactive and informative program. You will be able to download and print important resources, watch videos and be linked to further information on topics that may be of specific interest to you. As you continue through this introductory module you will learn more about Lung Foundation Australia, our COPD National Program and how to navigate your way around this website and the learning modules.

We welcome any feedback to help us identify whether you found the resource useful or ideas on how to make it better. Please provide this feedback by completing the survey at the end of each of the five modules or if you prefer, via email, to enquiries@lungfoundation.com.au.

I am proud to present the C.O.P.E. program and I hope you find it informative and engaging.



Heather Allan

Chief Executive Officer,

Lung Foundation Australia